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The New Haven Public School Science Fair Program is dedicated to enriching science education through Family Science and STEM Nights, hosted by individual schools throughout the year. These events cater to students from kindergarten through eighth grade, along with their families, and are designed to boost engagement with science in a dynamic and interactive environment.


Organized by the school staff, each event features a variety of hands-on, project-based learning activities such as: coding, digital creation, and custom t-shirt making.  By actively engaging in these diverse scientific activities, students and families gain a deeper appreciation of science, fostering curiosity and enhancing the quality of their science fair projects.

/ family resources

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Our Science Fair Planning Guide is an essential resource for students participating in the science fair. It outlines key deadlines, project criteria, and step-by-step instructions for completing a science fair project. 

Explore the Science Department’s website to discover a wealth of resources about district-wide science initiatives for K-12 students. This comprehensive hub features detailed information on curriculum, exciting highlights from the Science Department, and photo galleries showcasing vibrant learning activities from schools across the district. 

Visit our Science Fair Photo Gallery to view a colorful display of this year's science fair events. The gallery captures the creativity, hard work, and scientific inquiry of our students through vibrant photographs from the various activities and projects presented. 

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